On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 4:57 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> On 7 Mar 2018, at 15:24, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 1:27 AM, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> On 3/5/2018 11:49 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:37 AM, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> On 3/5/2018 9:14 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>> "Could" implies a question about possibilities.  It's certainly logically
>>> possible that there not be such a disease as leukemia.  Is it nomologically
>>> possible?...not as far as we know.
>>> Well I'm not sure it's logically possible, for the reasons that Bruno
>>> already addressed.
>>> Bruno is assuming that everything not contrary to his theory exists
>>> axiomatically...which is assuming the answer.
>>> That is a rather uncharitable way of putting it.
>>> Bruno has discussed his Universal Dovetailer Argument extensively. If
>>> you assume comp and accept the argument, then we are inside of the
>>> dovetailer. The dovetailer is an everything-generator.
>>> That's exactly the problem with everythingism.  It predicts all the stuff we
>>> don't see.
>> Bruno, Russell, Tegmark and others tend to concern themselves a lot
>> with why our experience of reality looks like it does on the face of
>> everythingism. That is precisely the "hard part", no?
> It is the hard part of the matter problem, when we understand that with 
> mechanism, the everything is no more that the sigma_1 arithmetical reality, 
> which I think everyone believe in, except the ultra-intuitionist.
> Brent seemed to have understood this once, but seems to forget it recently 
> apparently.
> If someone believe in a primal physical universe *and* in the survive of 
> consciousness through the digital transformation, it is up to them to explain 
> how the primal universe (and what is it?) acts on arithmetic for making some 
> computations seems more real than others.
> I claim nothing, except that mechanism and materialism are incompatible, and 
> that the mind-body problem is reduced into deriving physics from the 
> “material” variants of machine’s ideal rational believability/justifiability. 
> And then it works at the propositional level, so we can say that today, we 
> have not yet detected any evidence for a primal universe through our 
> observation of nature.
> Let us encourage the pursue of the testing, simply.

Bruno, can you expand a bit? If you had a big grant to pursue this
research programme, what would you do?


> Bruno
>>> Russell
>>> proposes something similar in his book. Isn't the exploration of this
>>> type of idea the original reason for this mailing list? That doesn't
>>> mean that the idea is right, of course, but it does mean that one
>>> should expect to not keep going around in circles without ever
>>> reaching a more sophisticated level of engagement with such theories.
>>> I'd be happy to engage a more sophisticated level.  I've suggested several
>>> times points on which Bruno's theory might have something to say about
>>> physics or cognition:  For example there is the discussion of whether QM is
>>> epistemic (quantum bayesianism) or ontic (wave-function realism).  There are
>>> experiments that seem to show it's ontic, but only under the assumption that
>>> experimenters agree on it...which seems to be an epistemic condition.  Or
>>> how about the past hypothesis; does the UD necessarily imply a universe that
>>> in low entropy in the past...or is that just the definition of "past", in
>>> which case one asks why does the AoT have a consistent direction.  And what
>>> is the relation of the brain to the computational processes producing
>>> consciousness?  Why the delay in the Gray Walter experiment?  Is there
>>> really some number of neurons between platyhelmenthies and homo sapiens that
>>> maximizes consciousness?
>> Ok, me too. I feel that lack of moderation on the list makes it
>> difficult -- although I am not advocating it.
>> It's hard to talk over certain megaphones, and I think many give up.
>>> But why would you suppose that a world in which "Leukemia doesn't exist."
>>> would allow you derive a logical contradiction?
>>> I think such a world would require one to accept something like
>>> creationism as logically consistent. The process of biological
>>> complexification happens by natural selection. Natural selection, by
>>> definition, implies failure modes. It also leads to endless
>>> competitive and exploitative dynamics such as predators, pathogens,
>>> parasites, etc. Avoiding all of these tragedies from the perspective
>>> of human beings would require a designer holding human interests at
>>> heart above everything else. Both the pre-existence of such a designer
>>> and its motivation to helps us above everything else seem nonsensical
>>> to me.
>>> First, you are appealing to biology and physics, not logic.
>> I am appealing to logic, because I am claiming that we must discard
>> scenarios where the arrow of complexity is reversed. That is to say: a
>> complex phenomena entailing an even more complex entity than what is
>> being explained.
>>> I already said
>>> that nomologically, leukemia was probably necessary.  It's just a possible
>>> mutation in bone marrow cells. But there's no logical contradiction in that
>>> mutation not occuring.
>> No, but there is a logic contradiction in no mutations ever occurring,
>> unless you can provide an alternative theory to natural selection that
>> does not revert the arrow of complexity.
>>> Second, you're straw manning.  I didn' t say
>>> anything about "failure modes" not existing.  I said that one particular
>>> failure mode could fail to exist.  In fact I'd say the world would be better
>>> if even that one little girl had not died in pain.  Let's see you prove that
>>> implies a logical contradiction.
>> I would say that it really depends on weather QM is epistemic or
>> ontic, as you say above. Or: everythingism allows for an entity that
>> fits Anselm's argument.
>> Telmo.
>>> Brent
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