On Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 11:20:20 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 9 Jan 2019, at 11:20, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> On Monday, January 7, 2019 at 9:44:40 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 6 Jan 2019, at 15:20, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In terms of processing, I distinguish *experience processing* from 
>> *information 
>> processing.*
>> OK. That is important, but the machines do that too. Information 
>> processing is like computing and proving, and can be described in 3p terms. 
>> It is the “[]p” in the list of self-referential modes. But the (Löbian) 
>> machine is aware that she cannot know, nor even define precisely, her own 
>> correctness, and that she cannot prove, if true, the equivalence between 
>> []p and “[]p & p”, so she is bounded to find Theatetetus definition of the 
>> soul or of the knower, which is pure 1p, and does not admits any pure 3p 
>> description. I would say that this might corresponds to your “experience” 
>> processing.
>> Then, eventually the notion of “matter” can be explained in term of the 
>> number experience processing (sharable for the quanta, and non sharable for 
>> the qualia). There is no need to invoke some inert substance that nobody 
>> can define nor test.
>> All computers (physical universal machine) and the non material universal 
>> machine are equivalent with respect to computability and emulability. 
>> Please note that they are NOT equivalent with respect to provability, even 
>> if, when self-referentially correct, their provability predicate will all 
>> obey to the same theology (G*), but will differ in their interpretation, 
>> contents, etc. 
>> Bruno
>> https://codicalist.wordpress.com/2018/10/14/experience-processing/
>> https://codicalist.wordpress.com/2018/12/14/material-semantics-for-unconventional-programming/
>> - pt
>> This is interesting for a programming semantics (e.g. denotational) 
> perspective, for experiential processing.
> This reminds me of Galen Strawson's argument (which has nothing to do with 
> stochasticism or determinism) about "ree will. He has a definition of 
> "self" such that your self is a real thing
> OK.
> (that includes your consciousness, which is also a real thing), 
> OK.
> and to say your self has free will can't really be right, since you can't 
> say (seriously) "I am free to not be my self" (since it is your self that 
> is doing that): Whatever you chose, it is your self that is choosing.
> Once a universal machine introspect itself relatively to some universal 
> number, it becomes aware that it can predict itself completely and 
> free-will is a vague term alluding to the management of decision in absence 
> of complete information. 
> "Experience Processing": Maybe not this year [ International Conference 
> on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation 2019  
> http://www.ucnc2019.uec.ac.jp/ ] …
> I recently (it is nt used in my papers) consider that it implies a lot to 
> admit that all universal machine are maximally conscious, and that the 
> provability predicate (seen as an ideal self-referentially correct 
> brain/body) only filters the consciousness of the universal machine. When 
> unrpogrammed, and without input, its consciousness is quite different from 
> the mundane consciousness, it is more like a highly dissociated state of 
> consciousness, out of time and space, which needs a lot of spatio-temproral 
> experiences to develop the aproprioperception of a body. In the humain 
> brain, that sense is basically innate.
> The experience is not “processed” by a code, it is a truth filtered by a 
> body/code. 
> Bruno
It the brain is biocomputing, as the human is a biocomputer 
[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_biocomputer ], then it is indeed 
processing experience. (Processing is what computers do.)

- pt

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