On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 6:25 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> Turing was interested in intelligence and, being a scientist, he knew he
>> couldn't say anything about consciousness unless he made the assumption
>> that observable intelligent behavior implies consciousness.

*> But that was due to the influence of the young Wittgenstein and the
> whole Vienna philosophy (positivism).*
> *Today this is shown false, as there is a theory explains consciousness,
> and verified by facts.*

It's false? So you have found a way of detecting consciousness in other
people or things without using the assumption that intelligent behavior
implies consciousness! Wow, this is huge news let's hear all about it! I'm
all ears!

> >> As for Godel, I don't think the philosophical musings he made after
>> about 1955 when his only friend Albert Einstein died are worth much, there
>> is no pleasant way to say this but the poor man went nuts.

*> Only the late years. Gödel was interested in theology since his youth, *

So even when young Godel was a bit nuts, that seems to be an occupational
hazard of great mathematicians. Godel was one of the greatest
mathematicians in the world but he was the only type of theologian it is
possible to be, terrible.

 John K Clark

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