On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 10:35 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

*> No, we can’t detect consciousness. I was saying that today positivisme
> is abandoned. It is the idea that we have to abandon the concept of
> consciousness because we can’t detect it which has been abandonned.*

Only a fool would abandon the concept of consciousness because everybody
knows of one example of consciousness that is unimpeachable. What has NOT
been abandoned is the idea that if you wish to understand how the world
works the time spent pondering the mysteries of consciousness could be much
more productively spent thinking about other things.

*>Many people understand the “hard problem of consciousness”*

Nobody knows the answer to the "hard problem of consciousness" because
nobody knows exactly what the question is or what criteria is to be used to
determine if its been successfully answered.

> *Mathematics is born from theology. *

Mathematics was born from practicality, If I have 4 sheep in my field when
the sun comes up I want to be sure I have 4 when the sun comes goes and for
that I need mathematics.

> >> Godel was one of the greatest mathematicians in the world but he was
>> the only type of theologian it is possible to be, terrible.
> >?
  John K Clark

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