On 2/25/2020 3:43 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 24 Feb 2020, at 03:43, Alan Grayson <agrayson2...@gmail.com <mailto:agrayson2...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 7:29:26 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote:

    On 2/23/2020 6:17 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

    On 23 Feb 2020, at 01:12, 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
    <everyth...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote:

    On 2/22/2020 3:52 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:

    On Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 10:40:12 AM UTC-7, PGC wrote:

        On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 1:55:39 PM UTC+1, Bruno
        Marchal wrote:

            On 20 Feb 2020, at 01:20, 'Brent Meeker' via
            Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

            On 2/19/2020 12:15 PM, Philip Thrift wrote:

            Wittgenstein is at the core really of *linguistic
            pragmatism *


            Languages are tools. There is no truth "out there".

            My view is that "true" means different things in
            different contexts.

            And in different modes (of self-reference). The
            platonists dis understand that the absolute truth
            requires faith in something beyond “my consciousness”
            or “consciousness” (to take into account Terren
            Suydam’ remark).

        Wittgestein up to now still has the upper hand with those
        old arguments over anybody proposing science based
        ontological packages metaphysically: language will seduce
        people to overgeneralize, to confuse personal mysticism
        with reality, to engage in false equivalencies between
        terms used in formal contexts and everyday use of
        language, scientism etc. Slowly, yours truly is coming
        around to the idea that folks agreeing on
        ontology/reality/religion, which would guide research in
        some allegedly correct direction; spilling over positive
        effects into the world... that Wittgenstein may prove
        correct in that this is a confused product of muddled
        armchair thinking, not because of his generally negative
        stance, but because there seem to be positive developments
        out there that he couldn't have informed those arguments with.

        I see/predict metaphysics shifting from the naive armchair
        forms of identity, reality, matter etc. practiced here on
        this list with profound erudition, walking in circles for
        20 years now (Wittgenstein says thousands of years) to
        optimization and more efficient pursuit of value and
        benefit questions instead, through say orchestration of
        highly sophisticated forms of organization applied to
        education, governing, finance, technology, problem
        solving, applied or theoretical etc. that are
        permissionless, universally accessible, require no
        hierarchy of politics, charlatan experts, control freaks,
        their sycophants, and bibles of some Messiah achieving
        miracles such as eternal life, self-duplication etc.

        Metaphysical setups that place less emphasis on truth,
        trust, power, control, or proof and more emphasis on "can
        entities such as ourselves be highly organized, solve
        specific survival problems over short and long terms,
        without trusting each other + instead assuming that folks
        will be opportunistic and idealistic?" Example: we don't
        agree on what reality may be, but we do agree on the need
        for habitable living space in the long term, nutrition,
        water, health, limiting self-destruction, expensive wars,
        standards of living etc. quite clearly. There ARE more
        appropriate politics and economics on the horizon.
        Metaphysics here, shifting our old-school conceptions of
        what first principles are, and you'd refute Wittgenstein
        instead of running from him. Engineering incentive and not
        what the game is but /how/ the game of life on this planet
        could be.

            About this, it is clear to me that in “I think thus I
            am”, Descartes use the “first person” I. Indeed he
            start from the doubt. Dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo
            sum. Descartes did not prove the existence of
            Descartes, bit of his own consciousness, hoping others
            can do the same reasoning for themselves.
            Consciousness always refer to a first person
            experience implicitly: like God (truth) it is not a thing.

        You concede to Terren that "true means different things in
        different contexts" but everyday like clockwork you still
        barrage the list with your use of "large truth, 3p,
        reality that cannot be named, mechanism is incompatible
        with physicalism" and all the rest of it. I used to wonder
        why you don't pursue contact with linguists, physicists, a
        wider audience, and philosophers but this has ceased to
        surprise me. PNGC

    I think I finally got it -- what mechanism means for Bruno --
    namely, that a human being can be perfectly simulated by a
    computer. But if that's what he means, how does it follow that
    mechanism is incompatible with physicalism?

    Because all possible computations (in the Turing sense) are
    implicit in arithmetic. And Bruno thinks arithmetic exists, and
    hence all threads of human (and non-human) consciousness exist
    in arithmetic.

    What exactly does Bruno mean by physicalism?

    That physics is the basic science; i.e. the ontology of
    physics, whatever it is, must give rise to everything else,
    including conscious thought.

    Why the incompatibility? Bruno? TIA, AG

    Bruno's a fundamentalist.  You can only have one, really real,
    true fundamental ontology.

    Given the sense of “fundamentalism” in the religious
    (pseudo-religious) domain, it might be useful to make precise
    that I do not defend any theory or religion. I just say that IF
    we can survive with an artificial brain, then physics becomes
    the science of available predictions by universal machine
    implemented in arithmetic.

    If arithmetic exists independent of physics.

Fair enough. But then physicist who use the number must provides a physical explanation of those numbers, and without using the numbers or anything (Turing) equivalent, and that is just logically impossible. You can’t extract the numbers (with add. and mult.) from something not already Turing universal.

They do.  They look at spots on the film and count, 1 2 3 4 ... They don't start from axioms, but from ostensive definitions.  Axioms are a convenient assumption allow theorizing.

Then, between us, I am personally more convinced that 24 is divisible by 8 than of the (primary) existence of the moon,

But not when you're looking a the Moon.  Being sure of that sentence is true, "Dr Watson was a friend of Sherlock Holmes." doesn't mean the things named in the sentence exist.

bosons brain and other such complex theoretical construct done unconsciously in the histories bringing brains and stuff.


The likely flaw in Bruno's theory is that the axioms of arithmetic don't imply the existence of space and time.

It implies the appearance of space and time and physical realities. At least it works up to now, that is why it is testable theory.

Hence, mechanism is false.

Then Darwin is false, and most current theories are false. We have not yet found a natural phenomenon which would not be Turing emulable, except by using sophisticated construct near black hole, suing pure General relativity, but already made impossible if we add quantum mechanics.

Postulating that mechanism is false is usually done by people defending fairy tales explanation of existence.

Simulating a human brain, even if possible, is not enough to copying a universe. AG

That is a consequence of Mechanism. There is no universe, and every piece of matter becomes NOT Turing emulable. Indeed, to get “all decimals” you will need to execute the entire universal dovetailer everywhere, and this in one instant. You might need to read the 8 step of the reasoning: matter emerges from all computations. Note that this too is somehow confirmed by the quantum field theories, where to get “all decimal correct”, you need to take into account an infinity of more and more complex Feynman diagrams, even just to computer the probability that an electron starting at A arrives at B.

Just one of many computational techniques for calculating the Green's function.

Mechanism entails that neither matter, nor consciousness are Turing emulable. They appear due to the non computable first person indeterminacy in the seven step protocol: in front of a universal dovetail, or just arithmetic (the tiny sigma_1, partial computable part).

When a digital computer simulate a brain, it does not create my consciousness. It borrows it from the arithmetical truth (a highly non computable notion) and makes it possible to manifest itself in a relative way, with a higher probability than without it.

In a way relative to what?...to the physical world.


Don’t confuse Digital Mechanism, with Digital physicalism (the thesis that the physical universe is computable) because those thesis are inconsistent when taken together. In fact, Digital Physicalism is simply inconsistent, because it implies mechanism, but mechanism implies its negation, and so Digital Mechanism implies its negation, and thus is false, with or without mechanism.


    And that this makes Mechanism Versus Materialism testable, and
    indeed confirmed by the observation, notably by QM without
    collapse. There is a "many-world" interpretation of arithmetic
    (in the head of all universal numbers), and we can test it. We
    can use any Turing universal formalism instead of arithmetic.
    They all lead to the same theology, and the same physics.



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