On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 6:54:36 PM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 1:36:49 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote:
>> On 2/26/2020 2:48 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
>> >>   Being sure of that sentence is true, "Dr Watson was a friend of 
>> >> Sherlock Holmes." doesn't mean the things named in the sentence exist. 
>> > 
>> > It certainly means that Watson and Homes exist, in some sense. The 
>> > question is “is that sense interesting with respect to our goal of 
>> > explaining "everything” (matter and consciousness) in a coherent way? 
>> They exist in exactly the same way arithmetic and Turing machines exist. 
>> Brent 
> Are the integers, and by extension arithmetic, fictitious? AG 

Arithmetic (or algebra, or geometry) is a language (or collection/family of 
languages to be picky) - expressed formally as a list of axioms and 
theorems produced from that list of axioms -  so as a* language* it is 
itself not fiction, just as when you walk into the fiction section of a 
library, you see books written in English, and English as a language is 
itself not fictitious.

But numbers - the entities or subjects of arithmetic - *are* fictitious.


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