On Behalf Of Samiya Illias Friday, October 29, 2021 5:32 PM 
Subject: Re: Dark-Matter Universe? See if this is of any help: 
[Philip Benjamin]
    How is this of any help? None whatsoever!!  It is irrational that Fritz 
Zwicky’s (1933) missing matter  confirmed by Veera Rubin in the 1960’s which 
constitute about 95% of the universe be deprived of any extraordinary chemistry 
and only 5% of the known matter of the Universe can have ordinary chemistry. I 
remember when I first proposed that idea a WAMP told me to shut up lest I be 
considered a fool, another told me that he will pack me up and return to my old 
country, yet another ridiculed that I am implying that “spirits” exist, et., 
     Call it by any name you want to—spirit, soul or jinn or atman—laws of 
chemistry are universal and applicable to ALL matter. And if it leads to a 
non-electric, non-entropic, enduring being of negligible mass, so be it. That 
is called SCIENCE, not religion..
     Thanks, anyway!!
Philip Benjamin
[http://darkmatternatureofscience.weebly.com/-zwicky.html In 1933 Zwicky 
discovered a discrepancy between the luminous mass that could be calculated in 
a galaxy due to observations motion in reference to the stars, and the mass 
calculated based on a galaxies velocity using the "spatial distribution test", 
as well as the "virial theorem" on galaxies in the "Coma Cluster]

On Behalf Of Samiya Illias Friday, October 29, 2021 5:32 PM 
Subject: Re: Dark-Matter Universe?

See if this is of any help: 

On 29-Oct-2021, at 8:02 PM, Philip Benjamin 
<medinucl...@hotmail.com<mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

[Jesse Mazer]
“ So when you say dark and light matter "interact with each other", are you 
just saying that dark matter particles interact with one another in a way 
that's analogous to how regular atoms interact? Or are you saying that dark 
matter can interact with normal matter in a way that produces "reciprocal 
motion", "resonance structures" etc.?”
[Philip Benjamin]
    No, not particles per se, but “chemical bonds”—Light & Dark- can interact. 
I have nor so far come across the impossibility of dark matter interacting with 
ITSELF, though nothing yet to explain how it does!! For the sake of argument, 
suppose the light-matter particles (Standard Model) do not interact. Then ther 
will not be a light-matter universe of chemicals and life forms. How can the 
“dark-universe” of the theorists be an exception? .
          Astrophysics has the tools and mathematics to prove or disprove the 
existence of dark matter partilcs or dark atoms. That is not the matter of 
discussion here.
 Philip Benjamin
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Jesse Mazer
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 12:31 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Dark-Matter Universe?

"Dark and light chemical bonds have similar properties, interact with each 
other, rotate, vibrate, oscillate, have reciprocal motion, stretch, contract, 
have resonance structures, associate, dissociate, bend and break."
As I understand it, the general framework of quantum field theory says that the 
only* way particles can interact with each other is via exchange forces, with 
the four known forces between baryons being the "strong" and "weak" nuclear 
forces, the electromagnetic force, and gravitational force (though the latter 
is not yet covered by quantum field theory, it would require a theory of 
quantum gravity, perhaps a more complete version of string theory). And there 
are some known types of particles like neutrinos where both theory and 
empirical evidence indicate that they do not interact with the protons, 
neutrons and electrons that make up our body via the strong or electromagnetic 
forces, the only interaction they have with us is via gravity or via the "weak" 
nuclear interaction (which accounts for why only a tiny fraction of neutrinos 
have scattering interactions with any part of the Earth as they pass through 
it, the vast majority pass right through millions of miles of solid rock as if 
it were empty space). By far the most popular theory of dark matter, which in 
cosmological computer simulations seems to provide a good match to empirical 
observations, is that dark matter is made up of "WIMPs" or weakly-interacting 
massive particles, which like neutrinos would only interact with normal matter 
via gravity and the weak force. Lisa Randall is postulating a new force that 
only operates between some subtype of dark matter particles, but this theory 
doesn't challenge the theory that interactions between dark matter and normal 
baryonic matter are exclusively due to gravity and the weak force.

So when you say dark and light matter "interact with each other", are you just 
saying that dark matter particles interact with one another in a way that's 
analogous to how regular atoms interact? Or are you saying that dark matter can 
interact with normal matter in a way that produces "reciprocal motion", 
"resonance structures" etc.? And if the latter, are you imagining the weak 
nuclear force would be sufficient for this, or are you assuming some new 
undiscovered force mediating the interaction, or are you questioning the whole 
quantum field theory framework saying that different particles can only 
interact via specific exchange forces?

On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 11:21 AM Philip Benjamin 
<medinucl...@hotmail.com<mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
[Jesse Mazer]
“Lisa Randall's work doesn't say anything about dark matter interacting with 
baryonic (normal) matter via the strong nuclear force or the electromagnetic 
force (the former is responsible for binding the nucleus of atoms together, the 
latter for electromagnetic radiation and chemical bonds), so the kind of dark 
matter that she postulates could have nothing to do with biophotons or the 
supposed "additional mass of life" that Philip Benjamin mentions.”
  [Philip Benjamin]
You are right. But here is the missing point. A school of fish is not a fish. 
Chemical bonds are not chemicals. They are configurations of particles, octets 
and duets. Universe is not just free particles running amuck!! Particles have 
to combine into the makeup of a universe. A dark-universe cannot be an 
exception. Interaction between dark-particles is a necessity for a 
dark-universe. Biophotons reflect energetics between “bonds” not particles per 
se. Interactions of dark bonds and light bonds is not the same as that between 
dark and light particles.
       Dark and light chemical bonds have similar properties, interact with 
each other, rotate, vibrate, oscillate, have reciprocal motion, stretch, 
contract, have resonance structures, associate, dissociate, bend and break. 
These cause weak changes in energetics of the light-matter chemical bonds, 
resulting in emission of weak photons known as biophotons. The sudden burst of 
biophotons at the moment of death of plant and animal cells results from the 
breaking of the coupling forces. OBE/NDE phenomena depend on the extent 
 Sorli’s additional mass is worth exploring further.
Philip Benjamin
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Jesse Mazer
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 12:17 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Dark-Matter Universe?


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