On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 10:41 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com>

>> After my body has been duplicated but before I have open the door of the
>> duplicating chamber to see where I was I won't know if I will be the
>> John Clark who has seen Moscow or the John Clark who has seen Helsinki, and
>> indeed the distinction between the two would be meaningless because the two
>> would be identical until the door is opened and they differentiate because 
>> then
>> one has the memory of seeing Moscow but the other has the memory of
>> seeing Helsinki.  So if both decided to place a bet on what they would see
>> after the door was opened (and if one decided to place a bet then the other
>> certainly would too because they're identical) then, provided they were
>> logical,and I think I am at least most of the time, they would both put the
>> odds at 50-50.
> *> So how do you accommodate a situation in which there is a 90% chance of
> seeing Moscow and a 10% chance of seeing Helsinki?*

*You've asked that exact same question several times before so I'll answer
it the exact same way I did before because you never made an argument
against what I said, you just keep asking the same question again. If I
know the duplicating machine has made 10 copies of me and that 9 of them
are in Helsinki and 1 is in Moscow then then 9 John Clark's will remember
seeing Helsinki but only 1 will remember seeing Moscow; so if they place
odds after the duplication but before the door was opened and they observe
where they are they would all say there was a 90% chance they were in
Helsinki, and 90% of them would turn out to be correct and would win their
bet. *

*And even if the machine made an infinite number of copies, all slightly
different, there would still only be a FINITE number of them that have
brains similar enough to mine to produce a conscious experience virtually
identical to that of John Clark's.*

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  *Extropolis*


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