On Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 9:20 AM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> So, you are indicating you are incurious about a mandated drug because
> it offends your political views?*

No, it indicates I am *incurious* about YOUR medical opinions and advice
because they are entirely determined by your political views as is your
worldview about the very nature of reality itself. For you everything boils
down to politics, and politics boils down to nothing but just figuring out
who bribed who. It's interesting, cynics and very naïve people have a lot
in common, one believes nothing anybody says and the other believes
everything everybody says, so neither needs to use any brain power

*> Golly, something like this may save lives. Naw! The Fauch has ruled this
> off-limits. Or was it Wollensky? If I was them, I would not be opposed to
> the search for any reactions from the vaccines, unless they themselves were
> involved with Pfizer & Moderna policies or a cover up? Then, its lawyer-up!*

I would say that over the last 2 years the 3 greatest heroes have been Dr.
Fauci, Pfizer, and Moderna, millions of people who are now alive would be
dead without them, and yet those are the ones you choose to demonize. And I
have no idea who "Wollensky" is, but if you don't like him then he's
probably a pretty fine fellow.

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


> How magnanimous of you to volunteer for this vitally important activity!
> However, given the fact that 12.7 billion shots have already been given
> don't you imagine this has already been done, and done many many times by
> people with vastly greater knowledge and experience with the complex
> science of statistics than you have, in fact even greater than the
> mathematical knowledge that the wonderful Ron DeSantis has?
> > *Personally, I hope there is nothing to the mRNA accusation.*
> Of course there is nothing to the ignorant mRNA accusations, but that
> doesn't matter because the accusations will *NEVER *stop, not as long as
> the world is full of right wing anti-science semi-illiterates, just as the
> accusations that the moon landing was faked will never stop, or that a
> crashed interstellar flying saucer has been in a secret military base in
> Roswell New Mexico for 75 years, or that Jewish space lasers cause forest
> fires. This is because a belief that did not come into existence by reason
> cannot be destroyed by reason.
> ojm

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