--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Mike" <m...@...> wrote:

Thanks for the interesting response.  I think you would know in a short visit 
if you could hack the "our way or the highway" rigidity of MUM.  You sound more 
like one of the more spiritually eclectic townies than the gang at the 
university to me.

People who get into a full-time movement facility with an open mind to other 
techniques of spirituality or POVS generally experience a lot of friction 
trying to fit in with the "one pointed" full-time group in my experience when I 
was into TM.  And I am not proud to say that I was one of the immature 
buttholes to assisted in creating that friction when I was still into TM! (I 
have since completed my 12 step Butthead Anonymous program!) 

Good luck on whatever path you choose you seem like you have your eyes wide 

> Hi,
> > If you are a college age student looking for a university degree I would 
> > recommend getting a broader exposure to your options in life than MUM can 
> > offer.  I had a great time there, but in retrospect, I know that my college 
> > education was very narrowly focused and it limited my life experiences that 
> > college can bring.  College age is about broadening your horizons to find 
> > your happiest life, and MUM is all about one perspective on what the 
> > happiest life means.
> Yes indeed.  I am 35 years old and am specifically interested in MUM because 
> of it's focus on mind + body health and balance.  I think more than the 
> Degree or the traditional learning that happens in school, I am interested in 
> deeply integrating health consciousness and behaviors into my daily life and 
> routine.  The classes and learning is like an added bonus.  From what I can 
> tell, it seems that MUM offers a great structure for this kind of integration.
> > Of course if you are out of college and way into TM, then you'll probably 
> > love MUM and Fairfield sounds like a charming place with a spiritual bias 
> > if you are into that.
> Yes, though I am not trained in TM.  I do practice my own composite form of 
> meditation, which shifts over time depending on what I'm learning and trying. 
>  Though I am consistently focusing within.  I am all for a consciousness 
> based community, and think it could be a great experience.
> > But remember what Shakespere wrote: 
> > 
> > There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio than are dreampt of in 
> > Maharishi's philosophies. (That may not be an exact quote but you get my 
> > point!) 
> Yes, I do get your point, and this is what I'm weary of.  I understand that 
> MMY is a man with a viewpoint who founded a global movement of people seeking 
> to create peace on earth.  I am all for this, it's a beautiful intention.  
> And, if we are all of Unity, and I AM THAT, then by extension I am my own 
> Guru.  MMY is a teacher, a great teacher, among many.  So what I am really 
> looking for is fine tuned instruction in re-balancing my habits and 
> strengthening my foundations with daily practice and clean, vital, healthy 
> foods, and communion with like-minded folks.
> As I say  this, I am reminded that this can be available in many regions and 
> places.  And still, the MUM option ought to be explored.
> Thanks,
> Mike

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