On Mar 5, 2009, at 2:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <no_re...@...> wrote:

Amazing, Curtis says he used to be one of the control freaks
at MUM that everyone stayed away from, and now he and Turq's
only place left to feel they are important is on FFL. Get a
life old men. Everyone is STILL staying away from control
freaks, decades after most of them left the TMO, or simply
changed their personalities. Curtis and Turq are some of
the few still holding out for attention.

Sounds like projection to me.

I don't know about Curtis, but I know that
for myself "attention" is the last thing I
seek. Here or elsewhere in my life. I spent
too many years learning the deleterious
effects of people focusing their attention
on you to fall for that cheap high.

But the fascinating thing is that we know
that there are several people on this forum
who will *always* "pay attention" to us.
They will read *every line* of *every post*
we make, searching desperately for something
they can pounce upon to slam us or to spring-
board off of in an attempt to -- you got it --
seek more attention for themselves.

That's you, Off. And Judy. And ed11. Emptybill
and others do the same thing with Vaj.

I wonder sometimes if what we're seeing is the peculiar style of subclinical hypomania the TMSP seems to engender in some practitioners. Kundalini disorders also are traditionally observed to induce a type of bipolar cycling. When wed with an ideology such mental states strongly resemble fanaticism.

One things for certain, balanced kundalini is so clear, clean and transparent, it's not the type of awakening the lends itself to strange, disjointed, emotionally charged posts.

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