--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Sounds like projection to me.
> I don't know about Curtis, but I know that 
> for myself "attention" is the last thing I
> seek. Here or elsewhere in my life. I spent
> too many years learning the deleterious 
> effects of people focusing their attention
> on you to fall for that cheap high.

Hands, please. Who's dubious that attention is
the "last thing" Barry seeks?

> But the fascinating thing is that we know
> that there are several people on this forum
> who will *always* "pay attention" to us.
> They will read *every line* of *every post*
> we make, searching desperately for something
> they can pounce upon to slam us or to spring-
> board off of in an attempt to -- you got it --
> seek more attention for themselves. 
> That's you, Off. And Judy.

Uh, no. I read--or at least skim--Curtis's and
Barry's posts as I do everyone else's. The
"searching desperately" part is Barry's wishful 
thinking. I comment if something strikes me as
worth commenting about. And when I do, it sure
does seem to get *Barry's* attention.

> Compare and contrast
> to the ones whose only joy on this forum (and
> sadder, possibly only joy in life) is trying to
> find some new way to slam one of their "enemies."

Says Barry, having just slammed several of his
"enemies" (albeit, goodness knows, not in a "new

Whether that's his "only joy on this forum" or
"only joy in life," I couldn't say, but he does
it so persistently it's hard to imagine it
doesn't bring him joy, or more likely some relief
from intolerable pain.

What's simply astonishing is that he can begin
a post with "Sounds like projection to me" and
then proceed to project like mad himself, wholly
oblivious to the irony.

("Enemies" being Barry's word, BTW. He seems to be
the only one who uses it--but he always puts it in
quotes to suggest it's a word his, uh, "enemies"

> And it isn't working. So they are starting to freak 
> out a little. They resent those who seem to have 
> FUN doing something that for them is a "need," 
> something they feel they "have" to do. So they 
> "work harder," and it doesn't work. Instead of more 
> and more people focusing their attention on them, 
> less and less do. It's kinda fascinating to watch, 
> actually.

If only I had a nickel for every time Barry has
suggested his "enemies" are beginning to freak out
because he's not paying attention to them...

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