--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@...> wrote:

> Are you translating Bhoga-saadhana as "experiences"? 

No, just 'bhoga'...

Bhoga means -
> worldly, materialistic; saadhana - here would be indulgence. So just
> translating it as experiences doesn't seem to do justice to this word.
> All materialistic indulgences or attaching to the outer experiences, the
> outer world that is in a constant flux, the maaya.

Here are CDSL (~ Monier-Williams) definitions of those two

1       bhoga   1 m. (1. %{bhuj}) any winding or curve , coil (of a serpent) 
RV. &c. &c. ; the expanded hood of a snake Hariv. Ka1m. Pan5cat. ; a partic. 
kind of military array Ka1m. ; a snake Suparn2. ; the body L.
2       bhoga   2 m. (3. %{bhuj}) enjoyment , eating , feeding on RV. &c. &c. 
(with Jainas `" enjoying once "' , as opp. to %{upa-bhoga} , q.v.) ; use , 
application S3Br. Gr2S3rS. &c. ; fruition , usufruct , use of a deposit &c. Mn. 
Ya1jn5. ; sexual enjoyment Mn. MBh. &c. ; enjñenjoyment of the earth or of a 
country i.e. rule , sway Ma1rkP. ; experiencing , feeling , perception (of 
pleasure or pain) Mn. MBh. &c. ; profit , utility , advantage , pleasure , 
delight RV. &c. &c. ; any object of enjoyment (as food , a festival &c.) MBh. 
R. ; possession , property , wealth , revenue Mn. MBh. &c. ; hire , wages (esp. 
of prostitution) L. ; (in astron.) the passing through a constellation VarBr2S. 
; the part of the ecliptic occupied by each of the 27 lunar mansions Su1ryas. ; 
(in arithm.) the numerator of a fraction (?) W. ; N. of a teacher Cat. ; (%{A}) 
f. N. of a Sura7n3gana1 Sin6ha7s. ; n. w.r. for %{bhogya} or %{bhAgya}.

sAdhana mf(%{I} or %{A}) jn. leading straight to a goal , guiding well , 
furthering RV. ; effective , efficient , productive of (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; 
procuring Ka1v. ; conjuring up (a spirit) Katha1s. ; denoting , designating , 
expressive of (comp.) Pa1n2. Sch. ; m. N. of the author of RV. x , 157 (having 
the patr. %{bhauvana}) Anukr. ; (%{A}) f. accomplishment , performance (see 
%{mantra-s-}) ; propitiation , worship , adoration L. ; (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. 
%{A}) , the act of mastering , overpowering , subduing Kir. Pan5cat. ; 
subdueing by charms , conjuring up, summoning (spirits &c.) MBh. Katha1s. ; 
subduing a disease , healing , cure Sus3r. MBh. &c. ; enforcing payment or 
recovery (of a debt) Das3. ; bringing about , carrying out , accomplishment , 
fullilment , completion , perfection Nir. MBh. &c. ; establishment of a truth , 
proof. argument , demonstration Ya1jn5. Sa1h. Sarvad. ; reason or premiss (in a 
syllogism , leading to a conclusion) Mudr. v , 10 ; any means of effecting or 
accomplishing , any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus , 
an expedient , requisite for (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c. ; a means of summoning 
or conjuring up a spirit (or deity) Ka1lac. ; means or materials of warfare , 
military forces , army or portion of an army (sg. and pl.) Hariv. Uttar. 
Ra1jat. ; conflict , battle S3is3. ; means of correcting or punishing (as `" a 
stick "' , `" rod "' &c.) TBr. Sch. ; means of enjoyment , goods , commodities 
&c. R. ; efficient cause or source (in general) L. ; organ of generation (male 
or female) , Sah. ; (in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or agent (as 
expressed by the case of a noun , opp. to the action itself) Pat. ; preparing , 
making ready , preparation (of food , poison &c.) Katha1s. Ma1rkP. ; obtaining 
, procuring , gain , acquisition Ka1v. BhP. ; finding out by calculation , 
computation Gan2it. ; fruit , result Pan5cat. ; the conjugational affix or 
suffix which is placed between the root and terminations (= %{vIharaNa} q.v.) 
Pa1n2. 8-4 , 30 Va1rtt. 1 ; (only L. `" matter , material , substance , 
ingredient , drug , medicine ; good works , penance , self-mortification , 
attainment of beatitude ; conciliation , propitiation , worship ; killing , 
destroying ; killing metals , depriving them by oxydation &c. of their metallic 
properties [esp. said of mercury] ; burning on a funeral pile , obsequies ; 
setting out , proceeding , going ; going quickly ; going after , following.).

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