--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <drpetersutphen@...> wrote:
> Vaj, so what you are saying is that categorically no TM/TM-Sidhi practitioner 
> could ever become enlightened because the technique(s) are fundamentally 
> flawed. So all reports of enlightenment experiences are either lies are 
> conditions of mind?

Since everything out there is the product and perception/appreciation of the 
conditioned mind, and is a lie (in that it is not substantive), well, yes. 

Enlightenment IS a pretty funny concept. The concept posits bondage (addiction 
is another word, but one that appears to freak people out)to impermanent mind 
states and outer structures. Yet the latter is a mirage. 

AS IF there is a bondage reality and an enlightened reality!

> --- On Mon, 5/2/11, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> From: Vaj <vajradhatu@...>
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Vaj's Cosmic Consciousness
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, May 2, 2011, 3:03 PM
> On May 2, 2011, at 2:43 PM, emptybill wrote:
> It would be so much easier for you if your would write and then store on your 
> computer a simple statement that TM practitioners cannot and will never 
> become "enlightened".You could also throw around a couple of phrases like 
> "nitya-samadhi" or "bhava samadhi" and categorically deny that these states 
> of consciousness are possible for anyone doing TM.You could even opine that 
> TM practitioners can't go beyond asmita because they indulge in laya during 
> meditation. Any TM-er claiming to do so then automatically becomes a layin 
> yogi like Maharishi.Why don't you write it up now? It would be so very 
> good-ol' buddi-suttwa of you.It would be easier to point to the science done 
> on yogis in turitatita and then show a brief synopsis of the physiological 
> changes in long-term TMers.
> My fave was when the TM Org issued press releases on their long waited for 
> CC'er: he'd been found and they had the EEG's to prove it!
> And then the Enlightened One left, finding out he had a rare type of sleep 
> disorder that kept him from falling completely asleep! 
> I say give 'em more rope and watch them hang themselves; I mean it's 
> endlessly entertaining and chronic narcissism is relatively harmless.

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