--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> It's true that according to the last suutra of aSTaadhyaayii 
> (a a [sic!])

Just for fun, the ten last ones of those some 4000[!] suutras
of PaaNini:

8\.4\.59 vA padAntasya .
8\.4\.60 torli .
8\.4\.61 udaH sthAstambhoH pUrvasya .
8\.4\.62 jhayo ho.anyatarasyAm .
8\.4\.63 shashCho.aTi .
8\.4\.64 halo yamAM yami lopaH .
8\.4\.65 jharo jhari savarNe .
8\.4\.66 udAttAdanudAttasya svaritaH .
8\.4\.67 nodAttasvaritodayam
8\.4\.68 a a iti .
(I guess the 'iti' is equivalent to 'finish'...)

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