This "shelter"mixes felv+ cats w/ fiv+ cats,due to lack of space to separate..! 
 Read below.........

What kind of hellhole is this?

It's called "crash landing"

PLease do not forward..........

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Susan Dubose 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: Here is the link

Sorry, but it is irresponsible to deliberately expose cats w/already 
compromised immune systems from one deadly disease to another deadly disease..

That is just bad news.

And no, you cannot save them all.

And if you try, well, that's another can of worms.

I am entitled to my opinion, and so are you.

However, I have had to play "cleanup" on too many "well intented" sanctuaries 
and /or rescue people, so, I've just about seen it all.

Not to mention that this is just how I got my felv+/fiv+ cats in the first 

>From "rescue" people that were in over their heads, mixing various dieases due 
>to an "imperfect world".

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sherry DeHaan 
  Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 5:18 PM
  Subject: Re: Here is the link

  Well I guess it is either that or just them die without a chance to live at 
all.You can only do so much with what you can.
  So I guess now you think this is a horrible place??
  This place gives them ALL a second chance to have any kind of life at all !!
  Believe me I'm sure in a PERFECT world this would be different.
  If you knew everything  the lady that runs both sanctuaries does for these 
wonderful beings,how many times she fought for thier lives(including the fiv 
felv)she brought them home to her house to nurse them back to health.We do the 
best we can.
  Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    This shelter does not separate fiv+ and felv+.....?

    What kind of place is this?

    Why would you expose a fiv+ cat to felv?

    And vice versa?

    Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                      "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                       Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                       Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                       Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                                 Trajan Tennent

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