Hi Marcia,
  Glad to hear Fletch is looking better!  After what I went through
with Alice (trapped at 6weeks, lost to wet FIP at 12 weeks), I'd leave
him on it for awhile even after he seems ok, just to be sure.  I am on
the FIP list too, as hard as the FeLV stories are, FIP is even worse!
I only got to know Alice for 6 weeks, but I was able to enjoy her FeLV
positive brother Will Feral for 3.5 years, and at least see him grow
into adulthood.  I still miss them both.
  I also do vaccinations every 3 years on my adult cats, but I wait
until kittens are a little older now and do just one thing at a time,
even though it means lots more visits.  And I will never again
vaccinate anyone so soon after they have "recovered" from an illness.
Guess the most important thing I've learned from these lists that
it's ok to question my vet and sometimes say "no", instead of just
blindly trusting them like I did with Alice...
   I haven't had to deal with CRF yet (knock on wood).  That is
interesting about the kidneys, I hadn't heard that before.  I wonder
if I am stressing their kidneys out more by spreading out the
vaccines?  Hmmm, all such a balancing act!  I do get yearly complete
blood panels done on two of the surviving siblings of Will and Alice.
They are both FeLV neg, but have severe food/environmental allergies.
I think their immune systems just went on overdrive fighting FeLV and
could never slow down.  Wish the science on all of these diseases
would move forward faster.  Sigh.

Hoping to hear of Fletch's continued improvement,
Head bumps from Beth N., Blue, Moxie, Dash, and Scooter (Alice and Will's sibs)

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 12:00 AM, Marcia Baronda
<marciabmar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Beth
> How are you? Dr chrisler said to keep him on it for 3 weeks, and then when I
> took the others in for testing, i saw Dr metzger. We were discussing Fletch
> and she mentioned that he could stay on it indefinitely if need be. But, I
> think I'm seeing some improvement today. His coat looks much better and he
> actually trotted across the floor today(-: yes, I saw a little bounce to his
> step. Warmed my heart!
> I'm with you, i  vaccinate my cats, mainly because of panleukopenia, but I
> think it definitely drops their immune system. I also had a cat die from
> FIP. I loved her so so much and it broke my heart to lose her. Her name was
> Yogi and she was a botle baby. I immediately got on the FIP list. I was on
> it for a couple years and learned a lot from them, just like i am learning a
> lot from all of you(-;
> Tjis last year my daughter lost her 15 year old cat to CRF. We researched
> together to learn all we could. I think the most important thing i learned
> was that feline vaccine is grown on feline kidney cells and causes an
> imflammatory response on the kidneys everytime they are vaccinated, They
> think this could help lead to CRF. So vaccinating ccan be overdone, once
> every 3 yrs is enough and maybe too much!

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