Thank you so much for your good thoughts.  Several years ago I lost a feral 
that I fed to FIP.  It was the wet form so it was easy to diagnose.  It broke 
my heart then too and he didn't even live with me.  But he got so weak that I 
was able to love on him and when they euthanized him I was holding him.  That 
was my first experience with this stupid disease. I joined an FIP group 
yesterday but haven't even had time to post or look through the files very 
much.  I might join the group you're in too.  These groups are so helpful and 
I've learned so much.  Unfortunately I've learned more than I ever wanted to 
experience, if you know what I mean.  I wish I didn't have a reason to read up 
on FIP.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain
 Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 18:23:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?

I hated to but was just about to reply suggesting that as a possibility as 
well....I am so sorry that you are dealing with FELV let alone having to 
consider FIP.   We lost the kitty we consider our first real rescue (adopted 
out to a friend) to FIP, she was the happiest, healthiest seeming kitty you 
could imagine, it broke our hearts for sure.

Thank you for loving this little girl, please keep us posted.  There is a FIP 
group, I am on it, here is a link:

Please know that many thoughts are with you!


On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 8:08 AM, <> 

I hate to say it but I have a feeling it's FIP.  I read a lot about it last 
night and she has a lot of the symptoms of the dry form.  I'll give a few more 
details later.  It breaks my heart.

Sent from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T

----- Reply message -----
From: "Lorrie" <>

To: <>
Subject: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
Date: Sat, Apr 28, 2012 5:35 pm

I've had several FelV positive kittens who have been exactly like
this......Less playful than others their age, and finally wobbly
in the back legs then complete loss of the use of the back legs.


On 04-28, wrote:
>    I  have  a  FeLV kitten that I'm fostering.  She's six or seven months

>    old.   She's the one I emailed about a couple months ago with uveitis.
>     The  uveitis  never  has completely cleared up.  But now I'm not sure
>    what's  going  on.   Her  back  legs are kind of wobbly.  It's not bad

>    enough  that  my husband has noticed yet, but I can see it.  It's like
>    she's  slightly drunk.  She's walking okay with the front legs but her
>    back  legs  give  way a little or something when she's walking.  She's

>    eating  and going to the bathroom.  She doesn't run around and play as
>    much  as  the  other cats do, but never really has.  She's just a real
>    mellow and loving kitten and I just thought that must be why she's not

>    as  playful.   I'm not sure though.  She's not growing a lot too.  The
>    other kitten her age, not related, has grown much faster than she has.
>    So  any  ideas?  Why do you guys think she's started getting wobbly in

>    the back legs.  She can still jump on things but not as sure-footed as
>    the  others.  I don't know if her muscles are getting weak or if she's
>    anemic or what.  A couple months ago her bloodwork at the vet's office

>    was  okay.   I  assume this is FeLV related but before I go to the vet
>    I'd like to be prepared and have some ideas of what's going on.
>    Maureen

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