Very good point, and it was very civic-minded of you to make it!


On Jun 21, 2007, at 7:33 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Bob had asked for support in making a claim for improvement of Finale's midi import, specifically when a single-instrument file such as a piano work is imported, Finale misrepresents the rhythms when additional voices enter (adding extra note-on/note-off messages for what are sustained notes in the midi file). I never import such files and have never run into this problem but he pointed out to me how important the numbers of complainers are when MakeMusic prioritizes its list of bug-fixes/new-features/ improvements to work on for the next version. He convinced me that I was being narrow minded in my "it doesn't affect me so what do I care" attitude as well as in my "MakeMusic doesn't really give a damn about what we want so why bother" attitude. So I added my name to those asking for the improvement Bob wanted. I hope it gets enacted.

The observation I made fits in very well with Christopher's point that many of us need features only rarely, but when we need them we really need them, and quite often it is the deciding point on whether or not we can earn income. I realize that many on this list do not use Finale to generate income by engraving music for clients, but it is important for all of us to remember that many of us do (or try to and would like to do more).

The observation -- we all need to support each other in requesting new features or bug-fixes or improvements because MakeMusic prioritizes its list of such things to work on based on numbers of users who have requested them. I'm sure there are other internal forces at work in prioritizing such a list, but if only one person requests something they don't even bother discussing it, I'm sure.

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