Sometimes anonymous and inline functions as terms are used interchangeably.

I wrote an addOnce method that utilized a closure - an inline function (it wasn't anonymous though) that subscribed to the main add (this is a Signals implementation) method, then removes itself from within itself, and calls the user func.

I tend to agree with you though in general. It's easier to work with classes and class methods than with a hundred closures, especially during debugging (and especially when they're all unnamed).

That said, JavaScript (which doesn't have proper classes, only prototypes and closures) can be quite fun.

There again, it's actually a lot better to name your functions (even inline ones) because then they show up with a name in the error messages. ;-)

Kevin N.

On 10/24/12 10:08 AM, Merrill, Jason wrote:
Ok, what's a good case to use them?  Just curious, I have never found a 
situation where they were warranted.

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