Norman Vine wrote:
Lee Elliott writes:

I think we need to push a patch to the plib developers list that
optionally lets one specify the texture directory when loading a
geometry file, but still default to the geometries own directory.

//// see ssgLoad.cxx

void ssgLoaderOptions::setModelDir ( const char *s )
  delete [] model_dir ;
  model_dir = ulStrDup ( s ) ;

void ssgLoaderOptions::setTextureDir ( const char *s )
  delete [] texture_dir ;
  texture_dir = ulStrDup ( s ) ;

Look here!
I did a quick scan of the ssg texture loading code but didn't notice the setTextureDir was already available. Now I have to find out if this can be sent at model load time, or using a crippled construction prior to loading the geometry.

Thanks for the hint Norman.


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