On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 00:06:17 +0000
Jon Stockill wrote:
> 3. From this we'll generate an archive of scenery models (this may or 
> may not be broken down into scenery areas - it depends on the size), and
> the objects tree, which is likely to be broken down into the standard 10
> degree square scenery chunks - to use it you'd download the chunks that 
> match your scenery, and the model archive.

Oh!  I get it now (I think) -- so your plan is not to necessarily
distribute objects (e.g. a dload of the Eiffel Tower) or unified groups
of objects (e.g. a dload of the buildings at Orly), but instead
portions of the Scenery/Objects tree that have been fleshed out
with the uploaded objects (e.g. a dload of Scenery/Objects/e000n40).
If someone uploads the Sears Tower, another person would dload it
not by dloading the Sears Tower, but by dloading the 10x10 or 1x1
scenery chunk that contains it, which might also contain other
objects (shared or static) that people have uploaded.  Right?
That's a neat idea -- I hadn't been thinking in terms of that
paradigm at all.  I'd been thinking just in terms of the way the
other FS dload sites do it, which make sense for e.g. MSFS but
is probably not the best way to proceed for FG.

One other possibility you might wanna consider is allowing uploads/
dloads of terrain (e.g. tiles modified through fgsd).  I don't know
what the best way to handle this is, especially given the possibility
of conflicts with later official terrain builds.  I have objects
I've placed where if I put them at their GPS-measured coordinates,
they'd be in water, because the river's a quarter-mile off its
correct location.  It'd be nice to be able to pass along fixed-up
tiles.  Anyway, just a thought.


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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