
Well, This time I really think I should make my works commercial- or if you 
want to have all this give ma a lot of money.

I'm aware that we want to make it right, like our overall concept on 
flightgear.org says.
But this is also dependant of time and (!) information the model authos have. 
All what I did was updating the 3d-modell to the state of the art now we can 
have with FGFS.

So you get now my answers:
> Here is a list of a few dozen opportunities for
> improvement.
> 1:: c172p: As of rc2, the model makes weird, unrealistic
> noises that
>  are presumably supposed to be engine noise, but do not
> vary in pitch
>  or amplitude in the appropriate way.  Real pilots are very
> sensitive
>  to engine noise.

record me the original sonds and I try very best on it!
> 2:: c172p: As of rc2, there does not appear to be any
> interior area
>  lighting or any "post" lighting for the
> instruments.  The light
>  sources are not present, and the knob that would control
> them is not
>  present.  Lighting is ordinarily needed for night flight.
> It would be
>  nice to portray the lighting-control knob, but even nicer
> to have
>  additional control via the keyboard and/or via a drop-down
> menu,
>  since the knob would be hard to find at night, creating a
>  chicken-and-egg problem.

Give me the position of this knob, a plenty of time and money for my  needed 
stoppage of real life work. 
> 3:: c172p:  As of rc2, the aircraft's landing and taxi
> lights are
>  not effective at illuminating the runway or other
> surfaces.  This
>  is an issue for night operations.

Well- I always thought you are longer and more in FlightGear than me- so you 
should know, that there is yet no real lighting effect implemented and the 
workaround by Gerad Robin used in his aircraft and the pa24 is just a 
workaround. We want to make it right, remember?
> 4:: c172p: As of rc2, on the 3D cockpit nav heads, under
> some
>  conditions when GS would be flagged, the GS needle just
> disappears,
>  which is unrealistic, since it is a side-pivot needle.  In
> real life
>  it is physically impossible for this type of needle to
> disappear.
>  Also as of rc2 there is some sort of barber pole showing
> near the
>  bottom of the display under all conditions.  The legend on
> this
>  barber pole is illegible.
>  The NAV2 head in the Seneca is much better behaved.

I used the instrumentes given by FlightGear- instead using someones other 
instrument we should correct the existing ones. So when will you do this?
> 5:: c172p: As of rc2, there is no Kollsman window visible
> on the
>  altimeter.  Note that the Kollsman window is rather
> important in real
>  flying situations.

Give us a altimeter with this working thing and I will use this then!
> 6:: c172p: As of rc2, the rudder pedals are oddly
> positioned; mostly
>  out of sight of the pilot.  Structurally, they appear to
> come up from
>  the bottom on stalks, instead of down from above as they
> should.
>  And as of rc2, the rudder pedals don't move when
> rudder movement is
>  commanded.  (The rudder moves, just not the pedals.)  This
> stands in
>  contrast to other aircraft in the fgfs fleet, including
> the c182rg,
>  Seneca, pa24-250, and even the c172r, which have animated
> rudder
>  pedals with some degree of realism.

Oh- did I mention that the aircraft is still WIP? Did I? No? 
> 7:: c172p: As of rc2, there is no parking brake status
> indicator.  Note
>  that landing with the parking brake set would be a
> disaster in a real
>  airplane.

Where is this indicator? Pics?
> 8:: c172p: As of rc2, the electrical switches don't
> line up with their
>  labels.

Well, need some adjustements- llok at the answer on 6.)
> 9:: c172p: As of rc2, the panel voltmeter reads
> incorrectly.  It is "in
>  the red" i.e. offscale high even when the actual
> voltage is within
>  the normal range.

So much as I knwo I known bug... Do we have some electrician here? You?
> 10:: c172p: As of rc2, there do not appear to be any
> hotspots by which
>  the mouse could control carb heat, throttle, or mixture.

Look at the answer at 6.)
> 11:: c172p: As of rc2, the audio panel is beautiful to look
> at, but not
>  functional; i.e. audio signals are not routed through the
> audio panel.

Aks Mr. Dreyer why- but I'm pretty sure there is a meaning behind!

> 12:: c172p: As of rc2, ADF hotspots do not line up with the
> buttons.

Look at answer 6.)
> 13:: c172p: As of rc2, the carb heat control has a funny
> shape.  Also
>  it looks like it is "out" i.e. carb heat
> applied.  Also it does not
>  respond when the pilot changes the carb heat setting. 
> This stands in
>  contrast to the throttle and mixture controls, which do
> respond.

We don't have carburetor icing yet- so it doesn't work of course! But you can 
implement this!
> 14:: c172p: As of rc2, when parked, the wheels appear to be
> several
>  inches above the ground ... the nose wheel more so than
> the mains.
>  This is particularly conspicuous if the aircraft is parked
> over or
>  near a stripe on the pavement.

Well- did you finally decide how the orientation of this aircraft has to be? 
I'm still waiting for a answer of YOU and so long I won't do anything on this 
> 15:: c172p: As of rc2, there does not appear to be any trim
> position
>  indicator.  Trim is important.

See my answer under 6.)
> 16:: c172p: As of rc2, there does not appear to be any flap
> position
>  indicator.  Also the flap handle is installed at an
> unrealistic
>  angle, so even that cannot be used as a realistic hint
> about flap
>  setting.

See my answer under 6.)
> 16) c172p: As of rc2, the fuel caps (atop the wing) are
> rotated 90
>  degrees relative to what they should be.

..and there are the rivest missing, openings for maintenance and, and, and, 
and.....Well- I better aks Cessan for a complete CAD-Model.... 
> 17:: c172p: As of rc2, the front wheel is not centered on
> the front
>  axle.  This looks quite weird.

Look under point 6.)
> 18:: c172p: As of rc2, the nutcracker on the nose gear
> strut is not
>  realistic when on the ground.  It looks better but not
> 100% realistic
>  in flight.  The nutcracker should fold, not just get
> shoved rigidly
>  through the bottom of the engine compartment.

Ah- you my answer...
> 19:: c172p: As of rc2, when looking at the aircraft from
> outside,
>  distant background is visible through gaps in the cowling:
>   -- near the firewall
>   -- near the spinner, especially just below the spinner.
>  The gap itself is OK.  But there should be something solid
> inside the
>  engine compartment.  Or at least double-sided opacity for
> the cowling
>  material.
How about an engine-model? Give me photos I will try...
> 20:: c172p: As of rc2, there does not appear to be any EGT
> gauge.  This
>  seems unrealistic.  Sure, the factory considers the gauge
> "optional",
>  but why would any owner pass up the option?  To save
> money???

It is not unrealistic! See 

>  Note that the Seneca and the Comanche have nice-looking 3D
> EGT gauges.

Maybe they look nice- but I'm pretty sure if use them you will come up again 
and say this is not realistic....
> 21:: c172p and SenecaII: As of rc2, there is no
> transponder.  Operating
>  at KSFO without a transponder is unrealistic.
>  Note that there is a nice-looking and well-behaved
> transponder in the
>  CVS c182rg.

You know my answer- ->6.)
> 22:: c172p: No GPS?  Is it realistic to fly without a GPS
> these days?
>  Suggestion: Remove the ADF and DME from the main radio
> stack and use
>  the space for a transponder and GPS.  The ADF and DME can
> be
>  relocated far to starboard or discarded entirely.

Yes, it is! And by the way- we don't have a good working GPS yet....

> 23:: c172p:  Numerous performance / handling / FDM bugs ...
> as discussed
>  elsewhere.

yep- and should be on the JSBSim-list- not here!

> 27:: Multiple aircraft, including SenecaII: Inappropriate
> noises
>  resembing "gear motor" noises are heard during
> initialization.  Also
>  a "clank" resembing a brief attempt to start an
> engine.  This is a
>  very old bug.

Record us the real sounds, and the authors will implement this!
> 28:: Multiple aircraft, including c172p and SenecaII: As of
> rc2, with
>  parking brake set, the aircraft does not hold position. 
> Somewhat
>  noticeable at idle; very very noticeable during a
> full-throttle
>  runup.
>  This used to be a problem, then it got mostly fixed, and
> now it has
>  returned.  Reportedly it is a problem with the
> "ground interaction"
>  features of the FDM.
Bug in JSBSim and YASim- we 3d-modellers can't do much


> 36:: As several people have reported over the years, the
> Saitek X52
>  interface needs many improvements. See:
>    http://www.av8n.com/fly/fgfs/README.X52
>    http://www.av8n.com/fly/fgfs/X52.xml.htm

So much as I know it has been fixed.

@Durk: we really should stop the current Release, fix all bugs and come back 
again 2050! And for not crashing some mail servers we should prevent John from 
using the other aircrafts and helicopters and more, so that he can't flood the 
list we more or less important bug reports! [Attention] very ironic![/Attention]

@John again: Sorry, but I'm not happy with your type of criticism. I coulden't 
see anything comitting to FGFS from you yet, so I wonder if I should really 
take you seriously! 
It was about 3 months ago when I finally decide to update the 3d-model and the 
panel of the c172p. I announced it on the list, had pics and the model itself 
for download - and just two answers which came from my "home community",  the 
german flightGear community. I'm at least quite happy that one of them has a 
ppl and fly this aircraft regularly, so I could get some infos. But I coulden't 
get any flight nmanual nor having one real c172p as master!

Indeed, I was wondering several times if this is really a good idea to go on 
and not to stop, and now I think of it again! 

It seems to me that you only can run something down, than really bringing in 
something positive. That makes the project FlightGear not better- it makes it 
worse and unserious! 



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