Den 28 februari 2012 18:33 skrev Reuben Thomas <>:
> On 28 February 2012 16:41, BGB <> wrote:
>>>  - 1 order of magnitude is gained by removing feature creep.  I agree
>>>   feature creep can be important.  But I also believe most feature
>>>   belong to a long tail, where each is needed by a minority of users.
>>>   It does matter, but if the rest of the system is small enough,
>>>   adding the few features you need isn't so difficult any more.
>> this could help some, but isn't likely to result in an order of magnitude.
> Example: in Linux 3.0.0, which has many drivers (and Linux is often
> cited as being "mostly drivers"), actually counting the code reveals
> about 55-60% in drivers (depending how you count). So that even with
> only one hardware configuration, you'd save less than 50% of the code
> size, i.e. a factor of 2 at very best.

But Linux contains much more duplication than drivers only, it
supports many filesystems, many networking protocols, and many
architectures of which only a few of each are are widely used. It also
contains a lot of complicated optimizations of operations that would
be unwanted in a simple, transparent OS.

And not much code is actually needed to make a basic Unix clone. Once
upon a time Linux was a couple of thousand lines of C code big and was
even then a functional OS, capable of running a Unix userland and soon
gaining the ability to bootstrap itself by running the build
environment for itself. Let's put a number on that: the first public
release of Linux, 0.01, contains 5929 lines i C-files and 2484 in
header files. I'm sure that is far closer to what a minimal viable OS
is than what current Linux is.

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