
On Feb 29, 2012, at 5:43 AM, Loup Vaillant <> wrote:

> Yes, I'm aware of that limitation.  I have the feeling however that
> IDEs and debuggers are overrated.

When I'm Squeaking, sometimes I find myself modeling classes with the browser 
but leaving method bodies to 'self break' and then write all of the actual code 
in the debugger. Doesn't work so well for hacking on the GUI, but, well. 

I'm curious about 'debuggers are overrated' and 'you shouldn't need one.' Seems 
odd. Most people I've encountered who don't use the debugger haven't learned 
one yet. 

At one company (I'd love to tell you which but I signed a non-disparagement 
agreement) when I asked why the standard dev build of the product didn't 
include the debugger module, I was told "you don't need it." When I went to 
install it, I was told not to. 

I don't work there any more...
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