(cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - fyi)

On Friday 25 January 2002 00:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> . . .
> I see some notes about the inclusion of jfor (RTF output) into the FOP
> project.  I think that would be really cool, and speaks very well of the
> effort put in thus far. Anyone care to comment on when that may make it
> into a release?

I'm progressing very slowly for the integration of jfor, been talking (mostly 
with Keiron) about design issues. Proper jfor integration requires new 
interfaces to FOP, which is being partially redesigned at the same time, so 
it is a bit hard if we want to get it right.

On the other hands, resources are scarce - I'm currently busy with other 
projects, and no one is currently actively working on jfor (although I 
understand it is in active use out there).

So I cannot really commit to a timeframe for the jfor integration - if 
someone needs it quickly and is able to commit resources, I'd be more than 
happy to help (coaching etc.).

 -- Bertrand Delacrétaz, www.codeconsult.ch
 -- jfor.org lead developer

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