
I'm trying to understand why in Patrick's code, when he deals with Table
auto layout feature, after TableContentLayoutManager over current
TableLayoutManager is prepared and processed with required columns
shrinking/extra space distribution - there is another
TableContentLayoutManager creation (yes, this was already commeted by
Jeremias as no go approach)? Is it because something in Area Tree (some part
of its graph) needs to be reevaluated once more (due to changed column
width/columnMins/anything else)?

If I comment second construction - then auto table layout testcase (yes
Manuel, that's why I was focused on them) fails due to incorrect IPDA value
for the first block presence in resulted area tree xml file.

Any help would be appreciated. I think it would be great if we could have
UML sequence diagram for those LM invocations/dependencies during some
general table processing.


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