Vincent Hennebert schrieb:
Hi Mark,

Mark C. Allman a écrit :
Drop RTF with nothing to replace it, e.g., ODF?  I'd rather not.

Swap out RTF with, say, ODF?  Sounds great to me.

I'd even volunteer some time to help with development.  I seem to
remember something about Java.... ;-]

I tried to play with ODF and therefore
- copied the render/rtf classes to render/odf (using eclipse)
- adjusted the imports
- did some renames (only classes in package org.apache.fop.render.odf,
  that contan RTF but no renames in subpackages)
- added a new mime-type
- expanded the cli.CommandLineOptions
- added a odf line wherever I found rtf mime in

Basicly it looks like the code has survived ;-) but the ODFEventHandlerMaker is not discovered from RendererFactory.discoverFOEventHndlers so for now I hardcoded an addFOEventHandlerMake to the end of that method, but think this is not the way to do it ;-))

So the question is: what have I missed to get the ODFEventHandlerMaker which returns the ODFHanlder discovered from Service.providers?


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