On Thu 02 Aug 2018 11:02 AM, joerg van den hoff wrote:
> On 02.08.18 10:38, Steve Landers wrote:> On 31 Jul 2018, 9:47 PM +0800,
> Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org>, wrote:
> >> I am about ready to merge the forum-v2 branch into trunk. If there
> >> are any objections, voice them quickly.
> >
> I could easily envision a situation where the forum option would suit me
> fine for personal/small/modest projects where I also would actually _want_
> to keep the whole communication with some colleagues as part of the project,
> and "foreign", bigger ones (fossil, tcl, sqlite, ...) where I most
> definitely would
> not be interested in doing that and also probably would prefer to use a
> mailing list acessed by a reasonable mail client that allows me to
> sort/delete/search/flag (and highlight unread) messages etc. more
> flexible/better (probably...) than what the forum functionality could
> reasonably provide.

If folks will remember back just a couple months ago, this is kind of what
started this discussion. DRH shutdown the sqlite mailing list for a day or two
because of spam. During that time many folks disucssed forums, slack channels,
discord, irc, and of course, mailing lists.

After the mailing list was patched, the discussion continued on about how
fossil, with a forum or some kind of email delivery system, could work better
with push/pull requests. Fossil bundles were discussed, but many folks still
wanted to see a github style pull request system with email notifications and
abilities to make comments within the fossil repo, aside from wikis, tech notes,
and tickets. Dr. Hipp quickly developed email notifications for commits to the
repo, and a few ways to store the emails.

I enjoy mailing lists, having a copy of the mail and being able to reply from
mutt (which I'm doing now), but I think what's been implemented within fossil is
something we can all appreciate and find use of. A small project may not use
tickets, the wiki, or tech notes. That project probably won't have a mailing
list either.
Now there's another feature, for free, that they also may not use - a forum.

> br/joerg

Just my opinion on this subject. Please refer to the mailing list archive for a
more accurate account for the discussion, but this is how I remember it
happening/taking place.
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