On 02.08.18 17:33 , Jungle Boogie wrote:
> On Thu 02 Aug 2018 11:02 AM, joerg van den hoff wrote:
>> On 02.08.18 10:38, Steve Landers wrote:> On 31 Jul 2018, 9:47 PM +0800,
>> Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org>, wrote:
>>>> I am about ready to merge the forum-v2 branch into trunk. If there
>>>> are any objections, voice them quickly.
>> I could easily envision a situation where the forum option would suit me
>> fine for personal/small/modest projects where I also would actually _want_
>> to keep the whole communication with some colleagues as part of the project,
>> and "foreign", bigger ones (fossil, tcl, sqlite, ...) where I most
>> definitely would
>> not be interested in doing that and also probably would prefer to use a
>> mailing list acessed by a reasonable mail client that allows me to
>> sort/delete/search/flag (and highlight unread) messages etc. more
>> flexible/better (probably...) than what the forum functionality could
>> reasonably provide.
> If folks will remember back just a couple months ago, this is kind of what
> started this discussion. DRH shutdown the sqlite mailing list for a day or two
> because of spam. During that time many folks disucssed forums, slack channels,
> discord, irc, and of course, mailing lists.
> After the mailing list was patched, the discussion continued on about how
> fossil, with a forum or some kind of email delivery system, could work better
> with push/pull requests. Fossil bundles were discussed, but many folks still
> wanted to see a github style pull request system with email notifications and
> abilities to make comments within the fossil repo, aside from wikis, tech 
> and tickets. Dr. Hipp quickly developed email notifications for commits to the
> repo, and a few ways to store the emails.
> I enjoy mailing lists, having a copy of the mail and being able to reply from
> mutt (which I'm doing now), but I think what's been implemented within fossil 
> something we can all appreciate and find use of. A small project may not use
> tickets, the wiki, or tech notes. That project probably won't have a mailing
> list either.
> Now there's another feature, for free, that they also may not use - a forum.
from DRH's mail of july 31: "The intent is to replace this mailing list, as 
well as various other
mailing lists (fossil-users, sqlite-users, sqlite-dev, sqlite-announce) with the new forum feature. I hope to shut down the mailing lists and bring the forums all live within about a week. So
if you have concerns, voice them soon."

that's it: the concern is not that there will be "another feature" (although: whether the forum feature is a desirable one, depends on circumstances/taste and whether "pollution" of the actual repo (and also the working copy) with the forum archive/db can be avoided if the user is not interested in carrying the forum archive around. IIRC, the forum content is going to reside in a separate db, which sure will help, but I actually would prefer if that db does not materialize in my checkout without a means/setting to prevent just that (or to empty it...).

the specific _concern_ here is the contemplated shutdown of this mailing list and mandatory(!) migration of all questions/discussions to the planned/upcoming fossil-scm forum. if that's what going to happen: so be it. but I would prefer otherwise.

>> br/joerg
> Just my opinion on this subject. Please refer to the mailing list archive for 
> more accurate account for the discussion, but this is how I remember it
> happening/taking place.
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