[Default] On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 10:29:11 -0400, Richard Hipp
<d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

>On 8/2/18, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> I also enjoy mailing list. Hopefully some RSS way of
>> subscribing/replying to the forum from a mail client will be provided
>> and I will stay here as much as possible before subscribing to the
>> forum.
> You will be able to receive all forum traffic by email, just like on a
> mailing list.  (Currently, you only get a notification link that you
> have to click on to see the actual message.  I intend to fix that -
> but there are several other issues ahead of that one in line.)

Excellent !

> For sending messages to the forum, however, you will need to visit the
> website.  I do not intend to accept forum traffic via inbound email,
> as that leads to many spam filtering problems that I do not want to
> have to deal with.

Indeed, that was the whole point for creating the forum
functionality, and I think in this way it is an adequate and
workable solution.

Thanks for your ongoing efforts.

Kees Nuyt

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