Le mardi 27 octobre 2009 à 13:04 +0300, Marko Lindqvist a écrit :
> 2009/10/8 Pepeto <pepet...@gmail.com>:
> > Le jeudi 08 octobre 2009 à 13:00 +0300, Marko Lindqvist a écrit :
> >> 2009/9/10 Marko Lindqvist <cazf...@gmail.com>:
> >> >> Network protocol freeze:
> >> >> This means no more changes to mandatory part of capstring. Let me know
> >> >> of any needs to change network protocol before 2.2 release.
> >
> >>  Fixing bug #13465 may require changes to capstr. It's easier, and
> >> wiser, to postpone capstr freeze in S2_2 and make it part of mandatory
> >> capability than to make it optional capability (as is required in
> >> S2_1)
>  #13465 has been fixed
> > The following tickets may require some changes in the network protocol:
> > patch #1322 (ready for committing)
>  Committed
> > patch #1327 (ready for committing)
>  Committed
> > bug #14453 (but maybe it won't be fixed)
> Committed
> > bug #14469 (but maybe it won't be fixed)
>  If nobody takes this ticket soon, it won't be fixed for 2.2.
>  So, I propose we wait for a week if something still comes up (such as
> someone taking #14469) and if not,  bump 2.2 capstr to its final form.

I agree with this, I don't see any critical bug not going to be fix,
neither which need a capability change.  #14469 can wait for later

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