
> Just to elaborate on Dmitri's comments. In addition to the IPA client
> and server packages that are included in the RHEL6.1 beta channel, there
> will be a separate RHEL add-on channel, Enterprise Identity Replication.
> That add-on channel will contain ds-replication and the Windows sync
> packages.
> If you wish to use IPA during the beta or when it is a tech preview
> feature of RHEL 6.1 you should request an eval entitlement to the
> Enterprise Identity Replication channel from your Red Hat account
> rep.
> Cheers,
> Kev
Hi Kevin,

I have requested the replication channel as you recommended from our
account manager.

I am curious to why such an important feature as replication is put in
it's own channel. I see IPA is trying to compete with Active Directory
to service Unix/Linux machines, however with Active Directory all
features is included in the base package of the operating system.

Why does Red Hat put the replication feature of IPA into a seperate
channel from the operating system?



Silly question.....they want to make money and lock out the "easy" possibility 
of you not paying them.   

There is a very good reason RedHat is nick named the Microsoft of the Linux 
world......but they are all pretty much the same.

You have to go into this with open eyes......this project isnt a real open 
source project with real open source ppl from all walks of life.....its a Red 
Hat project....that they let you see into on their terms, Sun and oracle for 
instance have done the same thing.....their projects splutter along with little 
OSS community support.

Example, so if you went to say mailman (like I do) that's a real open source 
product and I can get first class support via that....I would think that this 
will never be a place for open source support for IPA it will be "please go to 
red hat and pay if you want help".

I dont know Ive even seen a single contributor who doesnt have a @redhat.com 
address, that set off warning lights for me......probably why the FDS project 
still has so many contributors and users....

I hadnt noticed this wrinkle as I'm busy building a total virtual copy of prod 
to run a huge proof of concept / pre-prod setup which will take me another week 
at least....given we dont have much money and its going to take me more than 
6months to do, paying $ isnt practical/possible and we dont know the cost when 
6.2 comes out.  So I suspect that if you dont want or cant afford a support 
contract bailing to CENTOS 6.1 or using CENTOS rpms to finish the glue (on 
RHEL) will be the way to go. Given we will be using shibboleth and everyone 
around us with shibboleth is on CENTOS its probably where we will go.....

Its not all bad, bear in mind of course an Identity / LDAP product off anyone 
else eg Oracle will cost you mega bucks to buy (think numbers ending in 5 0's), 
is bloody awful (2 of us spent 6 weeks trying to make its virtual front end 
LDAP server even start let alone do anything of use and I failed).....and 
costly to look after (think 1 FTE and a highly paid one to boot).....I really 
wonder if the business case stacks up at all....


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