Christine Murphy wrote:

> Bha turus uabhasach math agam ann an Eadailt, tapadh leat!  Ach chan eil
> fhios agam gu bheil am Medeterranean cho gorm, oir nach robh mi aige.
> Omph! (that was tough)  I had a great trip, thanks!  But I wouldn't know
> wheather the Medeterranean is that blue, because I didn't get to see it.  I
> know, the Gealic doesn't match up on that, any suggestions?

An aon rud 's a dh'atharrachainn, 's e seo:the one thing and I-would-change, is
it this:
The only thing I'd change, it's this:

oir nach robh mi dlùth dhi  (since I wasn't close to-her)
(or) oir nach robh mi fàisge oirre (same meaning)

If you wanted to say "since I didn't get to see it":  oir nach d'fhuair mi
cothrom 'ga faicinn
cothrom = chance, opportunity

Bha a h-uile rud eile cho ceart tuigseil 's a ghabhas.
Was everything other so correct, understandable and that will-take
Everything else was as correct and understandable as can be.

> Is math sin!  Tha i blath ann an Ottawa cuideachd, ach tha mi ro thrang a
> bith ga mealtainn.  Bith mi ag imeachd do Guelph Di-Sathuirne.
> That's good!  It's warm in Ottawa also, but I'm too busy to enjoy it.  I'll
> be moving to Guelph on Saturday.

Gu math téid e math leat, a Chairistìona!Good luck!

Bha i grianach soilleir fad na seachdainn seo chaidh ann an Ceap Breatainn, ach
mu cheithir uairean air feasgair Huaine, thàinig na neòil 'nam plangaid agus
dh'fhàs an latha dorch, mar gun robh an saoghal gu léir fo bhròn gun do theann
an t-seachdainn taomaidh gu crìoch. Shaoil mi gur a h-ann freagarrach a bha

Was it sunny, bright length of the week here went in CB, but about four o'clock
on afternoon Friday, came the clouds in-their blanket and grew the day dark, as
if was the world entire under sadness that approached/tightened the week
of-immersion to end. Thought I that is suitable that was it.......

It was sunny and bright all week in CB, but about four o'clock on Friday
afternoon, a blanket of clouds came and the day grew dark, as if the entire
world was sorry to see the immersion week coming to a close. It was fitting I

> Beannachd leibh, agus cuiribh ceart na mearachdan agam, ma se ur toil e!
> Cairistìona )o( <-- Tha a' ghrian toillichte a bhith a' dol dhan oilthigh...

Ma tha mearachdan ann, tha iad 'nam falach cho math 's nach urrainn dhomh am
faighinn....!If are mistakes here, are they in-their hiding so good and isn't
ability to-me at-their finding...!
If there are mistakes, they're so well hidden I can't find them....!

Le meas,

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