Angus MacLeod wrote:

> Tha mi air a bhith a' cuir taic ri na Sgiathan Ghorma fad cuid mho\r
> bhliadhnaichean, agus Debbie a' cuir taic ri na Duilleagan Mhe/ibil cha mho\r
> cho fa\da. 'S e Pittsburgh is annsa le Muireach agus an Colorado Leum-sneachda
> le Ciaran.
> Am I on being putting support to the Wings Red length portion great of years,
> and Debbie putting support to the Leaves (Leafs) Maple almost so long. Is it
> Pittsburgh is favorite with Morris and the Colorado Avalanche with Kieran.
> I've been a Red Wings fan for many years and Debbie a Maple Leafs fan almost as
> long. Pittsburgh is Morris' favorite, and the Colorado Avalanche is Kieran's.
> ( Notice how deftly I sidestepped the word "penguin" ?  Is there a Gaelic word
> for "penguin"? )
> Le meas,
> Aonghas
> The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Hallo Aonghais agus a h-uile duine,

Bhuannaich na Duilleagan Mhe\ibil a' Chupan Stanley am bliadhna, gu dearbh.
('S toil leam Glen Healy uabhasach math - 's e piopar math a th' ann.<g>)

The Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup this year, indeed!
(I like Glen Heally a lot - he's a good piper.)

Sheall me air faclam cloinne fo 'penguin'. The e ag radh 'ceann-fionn'.
I looked in a children's dictionary (Gaelic of course) under 'penguin'.
It says ' white head'.

le du\rachdhan

"Tìr gun chànan, tìr gun anam."
The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

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