Hi Dark,

Glad you like it. As it so happens when I started having vision
troubles snow and ice environments against a blue sky gave me a lot of
troubles too. That seems to be a common contrast problem for people
with visual disabilities. All the same I am interested in looking at
the code and the mechanics of the game as I think they may give me
some ideas how to improve my own designs.


On 5/29/14, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> Hi Tom.
> Thanks a lot for the link. I confess it took me a while to start the game
> sinse annoyingly the manual doesn't mention the menu options or what screens
> you needed to go through, indeed I was actually looking for my character on
> what I thought was the main screen and what turned out to be another menu
> screen :D.
> I also do rather wish there was a high contrast option, or just the ability
> to turn the sky off, sinse the background is very bright and blue, (ice and
> sky environments were always my lleast favourite for contrast).
> That being said I can see from playing the game why your son enjoys it.
> things move more quickly than in Marrio, though it has several very similar
> mechanics and in game elements.
> Tux doesn't seem to have as bad stopping distance as Mario did, but that
> might just be because my sight is forcing me to play the game more slowly so
> I don't often have the penguin running at his top speed.
> I'll definitely see what I can do with the game, and also show it to my dad
> who is a big Mario fan, maybe ask a friend to look over the menus for me,
> sinse I imagine once I finish a level and want to restart at the same place
> I'll need to know where that option is.
> All the best,
> Dark.

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