Hi shaddow dragon.

I'm not sure how that will work with hal, but sinse I abandoned my syndicate 
game as it was going rather slowly and want to make a restart, it'll be a 
while before i need that screen.

Are the ship graphics the same as the ones in battle? or more like the ones 
on the sensor screen before it was labled. hal's always been able to get the 
ship graphics, but before the sensor screen was labled I couldn' click on 
any of the blips.

then again though, by the time i get to the point of needing a battleship 
it's likely the screen will be labled, especially sinse apparently in the 
next upgrade equipment prices are going up so as to slow the game down and 
force you to try more equipment types, ---- just see the nielsbauer forum 
for details.

as reguards ground combat, i haven't heard anything about that, and there's 
certainly nothing like that mentioned in the manual. the closest thing i've 
seen are those missions where you have to pick up marines and then drop them 
off on an enemy planet, descriptively very nice, but for practical purposes 
just two nav point patrol missions.
Beware the Grue!


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