I'm not really sure what you mean about the graphics, since all graphics 
show up the same with jaws. I didn't see any graphics on the sensor screen 
before it got fixed though, so perhaps hal is a bit better at reading 
certain types of graphics. Anyway the ship graphics are kind of like the 
ones that show up as planet icons, or at the bottom of the screen with 
compatibility mode off.

Hmm. I'm not sure if I'm happy about the price change or not. The game did 
seem to go a little fast, but it seemed to have about the right balance. If 
the prices go up, then it'll go into the problem smugglers3 had where 
earning money gets ridiculously tedius. I had a bit of trouble already 
earning the money I needed for my first jump ship, since mercenaries have a 
hard time earning money in fighting missions early on. I hope at least he 
doesn't change the prices too much, or only in the later ships. 

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