Hi Aprone.

I do take the point, however there are two contrary points to considder. Firstly, the need for complexity and size in map design. The swamp map is pretty large, but it's till possible to go from one end to the other relatively easily. It's also largely open, being obviously the map of a town.

The sort of map I was considdering was far more the sort of thing found in a maze context, with lots of side turnings, branches etc. Anyone who's played a relatively complex if title will be familiar with this sort of setup, and when in audio the difficulty goes up even more.

Also, bare in mind that I wasn't talking about a few! items. Each metroid game featured at least 100 items to collect, often involving complex puzzles or abstruse locations to find.

while I realize lacking the resources and man power of nintendo is a contributing factor, this is something that has been managed in some indi games despite this, such as the roguelike adom, which also mixed a massive amount of random elements.

it's just not something that has yet really occurred in an audio game.

Beware the Grue!


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