On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:

> As far as I understand your comment, Ant, you mean to say that he problem
> is that there is too much variation in opinion and approach. (Primarily, I
> understand, in relation to releases.)
Hi Noah, i suggested that one of the problems was the variation in opinion
and in who happens to decide to be active at particular moment means it can
be hard to tell what the reaction will be to any particular action, and
once there is a disagreement the diversity of opinion means it can be hard
to find any consensus.

I didn't offer any solutions yet, just getting some agreement on what the
issues are first would be good. But I'm not convinced more doc is going to
help this much, and moving the doc to be under the control of comdev would
IMHO just make the doc even more ignored than it is today.


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