Le 2016-10-03 22:23, Adam Jensen a écrit :
On 10/03/2016 02:19 PM, why...@f-cpu.org wrote:
Let's think again about an idea I suggested, probably in 2009...
Can you find a link to that suggestion? I would like to read it and
trace this idea's history.
No link or idea where I wrote about it in public but
the idea of using GHDL for synthesis is far from new
and GHDL is obviously NOT designed for sysnthesis.

However if GHDL generates code (like with the mcode version),
then it's possible to tweak the code and add "useful features"
that then generates the desired DDFG when it's run.

I doubt I clearly see what you have envisioned but kudos for the
novelty, innovation, and generally for thinking outside of the box!

But as you know, ideas are cheap.
Implementation will always be the king.
I can only knock on the door of the GHDL kingdom,
I'm not even capable of compiling it.

So maybe a mcode fork is possible,
adding "tagging" of signals, export as an internal representation,
then "walking" through the signal chain from the outputs...
But I'm not able to implement it :-(


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