On 11/15/10 19:01, Ofnuts wrote:
>> There was a project gathering usage statistics on an earlier version
>> >  of Gimp, maybe they have some data on that?
>> >
>> >  Or make the filers crash when used and see if anyone complains:-)  :-)
>> >
> I did that  a long time ago to clean up a disk full of obsolete
> utilities. Got very few requests to put some things back:-)

That is really a pretty perverted logic.

Due to the all too common lack of repect for backwards compatibility in 
Linux world most people either conclude that a feature is 
broken/disappeared and live with it or they just conclude that they 
can't remember how to do it..

The percentage of users that actually take the trouble to search for 
help, subscribe to a list and post a bug report is very small.  Hardly a 
useful way of polling the user base.

>> >  As for, which filter to use on a photograph, it depends on the
>> >  photograph, on the lighting that was used, on the subject matter...
>> >
> Yes, proper filtering requires a lot of education. And there is little
> pupose of giving people a whole toolbox (that they have to carry
> around)  if they don't know how/why they could use some of the tools inside.

Little "pupose" except  _education_ . One sure way to make sure users 
stay uneducated and don't know how/why to use the tools is to remove them !

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