Thus spoke Tuomas Kuosmanen
> Speaking of minor stuff, maybe someone could re-arrange the layer mode
> menus? Either sort it alphabetically with "Normal" on top and separated
> from the rest? Or we could even group different modes together with
> separators? Something like this:
>       .-------- -- -
> Mode: | Normal     
>       +---------- -
>       | Behind     
>       | Dissolve 
>       +----------- 
>       | Multiply (Burn)
>       | Divide (Dodge)
>       | Screen     
>       | Overlay    
>       | Difference  
>       +-----------
>       | Addition   
>       | Subtract
>       | Lighten Only  <- do these differ from the above ones
>       | Darken Only   <- (addition & subtract) ?
>       | Value
>       +-----------
>       | Hue
>       | Saturation
>       | Color
>       `------ -- -  

The groupings you have here are pretty good.  I might put Difference after
Subtract since they are more closely related than Overlay and Difference.

But I can't decide if grouping them is really all that helpful or not.  I
already know what they do, so the question is whether such groupings are
beneficial to new users.  Anyone got a artistic grandmother we could try it 
out on?
Michael J. Hammel           |
The Graphics Muse           |           Assassins do it from behind.

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