On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 05:48:34PM +0100, Raphael Quinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quite right.  And to paraphrase what I wrote in a previous message,
> there is nothing wrong in having an _optional_ dependency on GNOME
> just like we have an _optional_ dependency on Gtk-Perl and other
> Perl stuff.

The difference (IMHO) is that a help system is an integral part of the gimp,
just like menus, a good ui design or the tooltips are.

If any plug-in is missing (or even the 20+ perl plug-ins), this does not
affect usability.

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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann      +--
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\       XX11-RIPE         --+
    The choice of a GNU generation                       |

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