On 8/10/2013 10:50 AM, maderios wrote:
On 08/09/2013 03:07 PM, s.kortenweg wrote:
When i started 50 years ago in the early days of IT as prof was me told
that there are 2 rules for program developers  : first keep it simple
and second the user must be happy with the results of your work.
In the endless discussion of export vs. Save i believe that the second
rule is violated.
The Gimp developers approach is unfortunately very "closed". They do not care about the users and they believe they have the truth.... But a developer is mainly a developer, not a professional image editing. You can compare with other software development, like new Enlightenment (E17 and E18). It's completely different. The developers and the main developer (Rasterman) listen to users reviews and they use these criticisms to improve the program.

if they're so good, go and use them, then. Or take a few classes on programming and fork the code, as I suggested earlier.

Seriously, nothing's wrong with criticism of a feature you like or don't like as a user as long as:

1.  You explain that as a user
2.  You realize that you may be in the minority there.
3. If you've said you're not a developer then keep your opinions about what is and is not simple for a developer to maintain to yourself until you've developed a program.

And I don't know about Enlightenment, but I'm assuming that the main developer isn't trying to please everybody. Listen to everybody, fine. But pleasing everybody is the same as pleasing nobody.

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