On Monday 01 October 2007 16:41:02 carol irvin wrote:
> I've done some photography but usually I end up painting over it and
> converting it to mixed media as I really prefer painting to photography.  I
> think for users who are drawn to art and painting, GIMP may satisfy their
> needs more easily.  The adage "pare it down" typically is a good one for
> all artists to keep in mind and Photoshop can lead one in exactly the
> opposite direction.  I know it is terribly easy for me to end up with mud
> after i overdo it with all the plug-ins, styles, custom shapes and so forth
> that i've amassed in the PS program.
Certainly if you are into painting and using photographs as inspiration then 
an 8bit jpg  image projected at 1024x768 resolution is probably all you needs 
beacuse your subletirs are going to appear with brush magic rather than PS 

The two art forms are soooooooooooo distinctly different. However if you are 
in to photography and want to produce high resolution digital images then 
with great regret n I see no alternative but getting your head around using 
raw & PS. 

However if you only want to project images using an overhead projector at 
1024x768 then gimp will do everything you need.. there is no way that either 
a screen or a projector can show the different between an 8 bit and a 16 boit 
image.. the media limits the message!! <chuckles>

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