On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

>> My view is to stick with the UNIX philosophy: a set of simple tools which do
>> just what they're intended to, and then are put together with pipes (jack)
>> when needed.
> UNIX philosophy barely works for GUI applications. Admit it :)

This is true... even on the command line.  As powerful as 
grep/awk/sed/cat/split/bash are... they're being replaced by python and 
perl... where the interaction between the different components is more 
well defined and stable across different platforms.

I used to get monster headaches working with little command line goodies 
like this:

    N=filename ; grep -E "^ [\.0-9]{1,8}" ${N}.txt \
    | sed 's/^ //' \
    | sed 's/  */|/' \
    | sed 's/  */|/' \
    | sed 's/  */|/' \
    | sed 's/ /\^/' \
    | sed 's/\^[0-9].............../|/' \
    | sed 's/\"/IN/g' \
    | sed 's/^/\"/' \
    | sed 's/|/\",\"/g' \
    | sed 's/$/\"/' \
    > ${N}.csv

Nicely modular and powerful.  Powerful headaches, too.  These days, I do 
it in Python, get it done quicker, and my family likes me again.  :-)

so, like Alexandre is saying... the future of the Unix-style modularity is 
to have a modular back-end (libraries, plug-ins, modules, etc) but an 
integrated front-end.


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