Hi guys,

On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, Carles Perarnau wrote:
> My view is to stick with the UNIX philosophy: a set of simple tools 
> which do just what they're intended to, and then are put together with 
> pipes (jack) when needed.

I've actually been a little torn on this issue... whether to go in a 
monolithic, all-in-one direction -- or to go in a more modular direction.

Without rambling on and on... I'll cut to the chase: for the modular 
approach to be powerful in a live setting requires excellent session 
management.  Currently this isn't avail. in Linux.  LASH is an attempt, 
but has not been able to deliver.

To achieve this -- it requires:

     * Someone who has clout with other Linux Audio devs.

     * A stable, but live API.  (As in, it doesn't get

     * Buy-in from other Linux Audio devs -- to add it
       to their applications.

     * An API that makes it easy for the Linux Audio
       devs to do the Right Thing when adding it to their

This is no small feat.  However, part of me wants to participate in 
tackling *this* problem instead of making an all-in-one live workstation.


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