And the resulting IEW2678S makes sense in that context, because there
is nowhere known to IEWBLODI for the deferred classes to be loaded
from. So asking IBM to support deferred classes in IEWBLODI (or
IEWBLOAD, which is the same thing except without the IDENTIFY), makes
little sense. What might make sense would be an option on these two
functions to force all deferred classes to be loaded at the same time
as the non-deferred ones.

I'd have actually said that there is nowhere known to IEWBLODI for the 
deferred classes to be
loaded *to* (rather than *from*). It is LE that needs the instantiation of 
the C_WSA deferred class.
And LE might need more than one of them, depending on the application.

IBM would almost certainly decline to support deferred classes in these 
services and would decline to provide an option like the one mentioned.

But I share the question asked in one of the posts about a steplib. 
Wouldn't it make more sense to have the test versions of these modules in 
a different steplib, with the same module names and not do anything 
strange at run-time? Is it not feasible to have the JCL accommodate this?

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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