Hello, folks,

Monty goes into a library wearing shoes that squeak, and the librarian (the 
archetypal librarian with glasses, her hair in a bun and a low tone of voice) 
acts quickly to preserve the silence of the place.

Monty's shoes: - squeak!, squeak!, squeak!...
The librarian [whispering something unintelligible and pointing at Monty's 
shoes]: - ...
[The librarian makes Monty take off his shoes] or
[The librarian makes Monty take his shoes off]
Monty [thinking]: - I never knew librarians had the jurisdictional authority to 
confiscate squeaky shoes...


Monty entra en una biblioteca con un calzado que chirría, y la bibliotecaria 
(el arquetipo de bibliotecaria con gafas, moño y hablando bajo) actúa 
rápidamente para preservar el silencio del lugar.

Zapatos de Monty: - squeak!, squeak!, squeak! ...
Bibliotecaria [murmurando algo ininteligible y señalando los zapatos de Monty]: 
- ...
[La bibliotecaria le hace quitar los zapatos a Monty]
Monty [pensando]: - No sabía que los bibliotecarios tenían autoridad 
jurisdiccional para confiscar zapatos chirriantes...


squeaky [skuiki] = que cruje, que chirría, que hace ruido agudo
archetypal [arketáipal] = archetypical [arketípical] 
bun [bon] = moño; bollo (de pan)
to whisper [uíspa] = susurrar, murmurar
whispering [uíspering]
murmuring [mómering] = murmurar
to speak softly = hablar en voz baja
unintelligible [anintéligibal] = ininteligible
authority [ozóreti] = autoridad; permiso o derecho debido al cargo
authority list = lista de términos normalizados, vocabulario controlado
...makes Monty take out his shoes = ...le hace quitar a Monty los zapatos fuera 
[de la Biblioteca]

PREGUNTA: ¿Podríamos decir aquí: "Monty enters into a library?"
RESPUESTA: Not really. We enter into contracts, agreements, partnerships, holy 
matrimony ;-)
... "Goes into" is better in this case.

-The conversation stopped when she entered the room.
-Finally, I entered the building to get out of the rain, but the wind still 
entered every time the door opened, and it seemed the cold, damp air would 
enter my very bones.
-We entered the plaza from the east, just in time to see the sunset.
-He entered the water very slowly because he was afraid it would be too cold.


Josep, Elaine y Tomàs

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